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The Curriculum

This curriculum is a copy of the official curriculum listed in the NDSU Catalog. In the event of any discrepancies, the NDSU Catalog should be trusted

General Education: 39 credits

C: Communications: CompI (ENGL 110/112): 3 credits.
C: Communications: CompII (ENGL 120/121/122): 3 credits.
C: Communications: Public Speaking (COMM 110): 3 credits.
C: Communications: (at or above 300 level): 3 credits.
R: Quantitative Reasoning: 3 credits.
S: Science & Technology (4 credits of Natural/Physical Sciences): 10 credits.
A: Humanities & Fine Arts: 6 credits, covered by Music Major curriculum.
B: Social & Behavioral Sciences 6 credits.
W: Wellness: 2 credits.
D: Cultural Diversity: 3 credits.
G: Global Perspectives: 3 credits.

Music Curriculum

Music Core: 29 credits.

MUSC 103 (S): Intro to Music History: 3 credits.
MUSC 130 (F): Music Theory 1: 3 credits.
MUSC 131 (S): Music Theory 2: 3 credits.
MUSC 132 (F): Ear Training 1: 1 credit.
MUSC 133 (S): Ear Training 2: 1 credit.
MUSC 189 (F): Skills for Academic Success: 1 credit.
MUSC 230 (F): Music Theory 3: 3 credits.
MUSC 231 (S): Music Theory 4: 3 credits.
MUSC 232 (F): Ear Training 3: 1 credit.
MUSC 233 (S): Ear Training 4: 1 credit.
MUSC 340 (F): Music History 1: 3 credits.
MUSC 341 (S): Music History 2: 3 credits.
MUSC 385 (S): Music Entrepreneurship: 3 credits.

Composition Core: 23 credits.

166 Freshman Composition: 1 credit. Composition instruction typically begins in the spring of the freshman year
266+273 Sophomore Composition: 2 credits. (Fall)
266+273 Sophomore Composition: 2 credits. (Spring)
366+373 Junior Composition: 2 credits. (Fall)
366+373 Junior Composition: 2 credits. (Spring)
466+473 Senior Composition: 2 credits. (Fall)
466+473 Senior Composition: 2 credits. (Spring)
MUSC 351 OR 352 (Instrumental or Choral Conducting): 2 credits.
MUSC 331 (EF): Instrumental Arranging: 2 credits.
MUSC 430 (OS): Counterpoint: 3 credits.
Upper-division Theory Elective: 3 credits.

Ensemble & Applied Support: 20 credits.

Students may have additional ensemble or applied music requirements based on their music scholarship.
Applied Music: 6 credits (across 6 semesters).
Major Ensemble: 6 credits (across 6 semesters).
Minor Ensemble: 4 credits (across 4 semesters).
MUSC 160, 161, 260, 261: Piano Class 1, 2, 3, & 4: 4 credits. Waivable with passing of piano proficiency exam.

Composition Electives: 11 credits

Students are encouraged to work towards a minor or certificate that can help them in their career

Capstone: 2 credits.

Composition is unusual in that it requires a double-capstone: One is a recital of original music, the other is a large-scale original work
MUSC 480: Recital: 1 credit.
MUSC 494: Capstone: 1 credit.